Monday, June 29, 2009

Growth is painful

It has been a while since I have stopped to post here. This post is a series of random thoughts for those who are not up to speed and have an interest in what is going on in our lives.

On the personal front, yesterday was our last Sunday as Stonebrook Church. Kristin, Kyndal and I have been attending there for a little more than 5 years. That has been our home, our family and the only church that Kyndal that has ever known. Yesterday was wonderful to see several faces we have not seen in a while and catch up on what is going on in their lives. I think back at how much Kristin and I have grown and I am amazed. I sat in my office today and reflected on what Stonebrook has meant to us and realized it is sad to close the book on that chapter of our lives, but I am very excited to see what God is going to do with this new chapter. I was convicted today that I did not do everything that God wanted me to do while we were at Stonebrook and I am prayerful that I continue to grow and have the faith to step out and do what He wants me to do. I was reminded today that I don't have to be strong enough, or smart enough to do it on my own, I only have to be willing to do it and trust in Him. I am not sure what that something is right now, so if you are reading this and would pray for me, I would appreciate it.

We have also been having a small group in our home for about 3 months now and it has been going very well. We have an amazing group of familes that we are blessed to have in our home each week. We have a lot to learn and a lot of growing to do, but I had forgotten how fun it is to really get to know people and call them friends.

On the work front, there was a reorg two weeks ago of all of the Ingram Content companies and a new CIO started today. So, it should not be too long before there will be a reorganization on my department. My boss has tried to reassure me that there is a place for me there (translation, I should not lose my job) but there is no assurance I will not be asked to take on a new role. I have been through it before but each time is different and scary in it's own way.

So, I think that catches you up on us for now. I pray this finds all of you very well and that God is blessing you. We love ALL of you!
