Saturday, February 23, 2008


I want to take a moment and thank everyone for the comments and encouragement. I have to say today was a good day. We were able accomplish a lot today around the house and spend some time with Kyndal. We also went to the hospital to see friends who just had a baby on Thursday. I think we had forgotten how small Kyndal was....... and no Mom it was not a sign to have another child.

I was also able to go to a singing with my Grandfather tonight. I really enjoyed it. I don't get enogh time to spend with him and it was great to just sit beside him tonight and enjoy myself. My grandparents have meant a lot to me and I hope they know how much I love them. For that matter all of my family means a lot to me and I hope they (you) all know how much I love you.



Anonymous said...

Bret, I am so proud of you..
Love you, Dad.

Kristin Aune said...

Yes we certainly did get a lot accomplished today. We went to Breakfast, went to Lowe's (Thanks John for the coupons), took the recycles, put up a new light fixture in the hall, painted the front part of the hallway, and put new bulbs in the porch light, and got the tire on the truck fixed yesterday. I am feeling a little less overwhelmed, it helped that I was session free this weekend. I can't wait to paint the laundry room and our bedroom, painting was actually fun today, even though you don't like to talk when you work! It feels good getting so much done as we are soon to go into a very busy March.

I love you so very much!